did you know...

There are over 80,000+ man-made chemicals in our environment?

And of these 80k+ chemicals, hardly any of them have been tested for human safety?

Why does this matter?

Well, these ingredients (like titanium dioxide) show up in your food and are harmful to YOUR health.

What's more... Many of these harmful ingredients are banned in other countries, but not the USA...

It's a lot to take in.

And I know how confusing it can be to know "what's what," especially since there is SO much information out there...

And that's why I'm here to help you.

hey there, I'm Madalyn!

I'm a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner and passionate consumer advocate with over 9+ years experience, and my mission is to help you reduce your toxic load and feel empowered in your choices.

So, are you ready to finally learn what is truly good for you?

  • Do you want to understand what products or foods are potentially harmful for you and your family?
  • Do you want to FEEL better, inside and out?
  • Curious to learn how to read labels (and what swaps to make)?

Then look no further, The Pantry Audit is the solution for you.

In this program, we will walk through your pantry + fridge together - in a step-by-step, judgement-free session, I will share with you over 9+ years of expertise to help you FINALLY understand how to read labels and know what is *truly* nourishing for you and your family.

what we'll cover:

Before your session:

  • Prior to your session, we'll dive into any health concerns, favorite foods, preferred way of eating, and your goals so that your session is truly transformational + tailored to your needs.

During your session:

  • We'll spend 60 minutes together via Zoom, going step-by-step through your entire kitchen.
  • You'll learn how to read labels, what to look out for, WHY it matters, and HOW certain ingredients/foods impact your health.

After your session: Once your custom 1:1 session is complete, I'll provide you with:

  • Recap of our call with detailed notes.
  • Custom list of 20+ recommended swaps, based on your preferences and budget.
  • 7 days post-session Voxer access to ask any questions + get support!

This is the exact support that I wish I had 9+ years ago when I first started taking my health into my own hands and I am SO excited to help empower you in your journey now!

SIGN UP NOW to be the first to know when The Pantry Audit goes live!

As an early-bee special, you'll also receive a special BONUS cheat sheet including a list of my favorite non-toxic personal care swaps!


Madalyn is the only coach I've ever been successful with. I think it's because she implements small, sustainable changes to last you a lifetime. Never once did I feel overwhelmed by her plan.

Wanna BEE the first to know when The Pantry Audit goes live?

Drop your email below to be added to the list and receive a special offer once you book a session.